Dr Bríd Allen and Dr Kevin Allen

Dr Bríd Allen and Dr Kevin Allen deliver general medical services and family planning at our surgeries. They also provide the following by appointment at designated clinics: Antenatal and Postnatal Maternity services, Child Health Surveillance and Immunisations, Minor surgical procedures such as steroid injections and venesection are provided by Dr Kevin Allen by appointment. 

Practice Manager

Our Practice Manager is Mrs Ann Foster. She is responsible for supervision of all clerical work staff; and the daily running of the practice organisation and premises.

Receptionists/Care Navigators

Our Receptionists/Care Navigators  are Mrs Debbie Carragher, Mrs Geraldine Donaghy, Mrs Anita McConville, Mrs Darina Hughes and Mrs Kelly McEnteggart.   Our receptionists are trained to ensure that you are directed to best member of our clinical team to deal with your situation therefore it is important that you are able to give our receptionists as much information as you can about your problem.  Please be assured that anything you tell our reception team will be kept confidential. The team are also responsible for all administration duties including, registrations, GP reports, prescription ordering, organisation of clinics.

Treatment Room Nurse

The Treatment Room is located in The Health Centre, Crossmaglen.  The treatment room nurses are responsible for: Wound and ulcer management; Injuries and emergencies; Blood testing; All wounds will be assessed initially by our doctor in the treatment room.

General Practice Pharmacists

Caroline Anne Rice  and Una O’Farrell are  our General Practice Pharmacists  based in Rathkeeland House Surgery. They  work to ensure safe and efficient prescribing for our patients. They  may contact patients from time to time to discuss medication.

Una O’Farrell runs an Asthma Clinic every Monday afternoon 

Mental Health Practitioner

Mental Health Practitioner, Therese Carroll has joined Rathkeeland Surgery. She will work with patients within the practice to help improve and support patient’s mental health and wellbeing. For more information please click here


Senior Social Worker/Social Work Assistant

Maíre Bennett is our senior social worker.  She works with patients providing  non-medical support (for example, problems with housing, accessing services)  Appointments can be made directly without the need to speak to the doctor.

Maíre will be supported by a social work assistant, who can advise patients on services/activities to help social isolation and support patients who are experiencing difficulty/vulnerability following life changing events such as bereavement.


Core Practice Staff

The core practice staff is part of a wider Primary Care Health Team which included Community Midwives, District Nurses, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Physiotherapist, Podiatrist, Speech and Language Therapist, Health Visitors and Social Workers.